Butterfly Project

Following on from the generous donations given to the school in memory of Mrs Mitchell, the school, family and The Friends Committee have met regularly to discuss possible projects which would be a lasting legacy to her and the exceptional contribution she made to the school and the whole community. 

Space is something which is very limited at Coulsdon C of E Primary and Mrs Mitchell, like all of us, was keen to find additional space to help further the children’s education. We would like to build an additional learning space (which would be fully heated and able to be used all the year round) in the playground situated next to the PE shed. 

The building will be multipurpose and will enable small group teaching to be carried out.  This is our way of continuing and building on Mrs Mitchell’s legacy and reflects her passion for inclusion and supporting a wide range of special educational needs provision such as sensory breaks, dyslexia tutoring and counselling. 

We are all very excited by the opportunities this development will bring to all pupils in the school currently and in the future.   

We are keen this building is built to a high standard and also large enough for small groups to be supported in it.

The plans for the building are being finalised and we will soon add them to this page so you can all see how this exciting building will help the children in our school in the years to come.


From the quotations we have received so far we are looking to raise £45,000. 

The Butterfly Project committee are delighted to share with you that we have raised £35,000 towards the new target of £45,000 to fund the building of an additional learning space in the playground situated next to the PE shed. We have an updated target to allow for additional building and fit out costs. We are looking at raising the rest of the money needed during this academic year.  We have started applications towards grants we can apply for and The Friends Committee is kindly working alongside the school to plan events.

If you are a parent or carer 

The recent Butterfly Ball raised a staggering £7,000 towards this target.  A write up of the event can be found here.

If anyone does have any contacts with companies that offer match funding please do email the school here.

If you would like to make a separate donation then please complete the attached form and return to the school office or to the Friends email.

Friends of Coulsdon CofE School Donation Form 2024

If you are a business

Thanks to the many local businesses for donating auction and raffle prizes at the recent Butterfly Ball and online raffle.  You can still help by donating directly towards the cost of the building.  If this is something you are able to help with then please do contact us directly here.


Fundraising updates

Butterfly Project June 2024 update

Butterfly Project May 2024 update