Easy fundraising
Shopping online? The Friends of Coulsdon C of E School would like to remind you to use easyfundraising in order to raise funds for our school. It's so easy! Simply sign up via the website or download the app and over 4,300 shops and sites will donate to Coulsdon Church of England Primary School for FREE when you use easyfundraising to shop with them. There's no catch or hidden costs. From Christmas shopping to car insurance, holiday bookings to home improvements, the school can benefit from whatever you are purchasing. You can even ask family and friends to sign up and choose our cause to support with their shopping too.
Link to easyfundraising website (new window opens)
To date we have raised over £3,250 via easyfundraising but we need more supporters. These donations really help us and all you have to do is use easyfundraising when ordering the things you'll be buying anyway. Until Amazon smile stopped in February 2023 we raised over £200.
Thanks and happy shopping!
From the Friends of Coulsdon C of E School